Individuals, organizations, or academic institutions can host an Arctic Visiting Speaker by submitting a Host Application. The Host Application can be completed either online, or in PDF form. Both forms can be found at the bottom of this webpage.
ARCUS will notify you when the application has been approved. Upon approval, you will also be informed of the next steps in the application process. You are not eligible for reimbursement for any financial obligations until you have authorization and final approval from ARCUS.
Host Expectations
The following is what is expected from you if your application is accepted to host an Arctic Visiting Speaker. Different tasks are shown during the specific times that they are expected.
Before the Tour:
- Host agrees to have a signed copy of the AVS Contract to ARCUS within one week of the scheduled tour.
- Host agrees to send a detailed itinerary of the proposed Speaker's tour.
- Host agrees to locate lodging for the Speaker during their tour.
- Host agrees to send copies of fliers and any other promotional materials used to promote the tour to ARCUS.
During the Tour:
- Host agrees to take photographs during presentations to be sent to ARCUS following the tour. We would also appreciate copies of any video or audio coverage of the tour.
- Host agrees to collect data on the number of attendees per audience for each presentation.
- Host agrees to acknowledge the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs and ARCUS in all promotional materials.
After the Tour
- Host agrees to complete a Tour Evaluation Form following the visit. The Evaluation form is available online or for downloading in PDF form . Both forms can also be found below on this webpage.
- Host agrees to forward any photographs taken during presentations with captions and the name of the photographer to ARCUS. These will be used to create a Tour Album which will be available to the public through the ARCUS website.
Selecting a Speaker
You have 3 choices in selecting a speaker. All speakers will need to fill out a Speaker Profile Form prior to starting a tour if they are not already in the Speakers Bureau.
- Individuals, organizations and communities can use the Speakers Bureau to find appropriate speakers to speak on the desired subject.
- You can carry out your own research to locate an appropriate speaker and invite the speaker of your choice.
- The Program Manager can work with you if you need help locating a speaker to speak on a specific topic.
Important Information
- Host applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, depending on funding availability. Applications need to be submitted at least 1 month prior to the expected event dates.
- Visits can be scheduled at any time of year at the convenience of the speaker and the host organization.
- Preference is given to individuals and organizations to host speakers that reach a broad audience and the general public. Applications for speakers to present at a conference are discouraged unless they include significant public outreach beyond the conference (e.g. interviews, school presentations, public lectures).
- Speakers are encouraged to visit a host organization or community for several days, allowing ample time for interactions with faculty, students, local media, and/or community members.
- Joint applications are given preference in order to maximize the benefits of a visit (e.g. a school and a university may jointly apply to host a speaker).
- Priority is given to organizations and communities that rarely have the opportunity to host a speaker.
- Applications for both domestic and international visits will be considered. Applications for international visits should involve participation of more than one host organization and must include either a US-based speaker or a US-based organization.
- Host organizations are responsible for organizing local travel arrangements for the speaker while on tour unless otherwise pre-arranged through ARCUS.
Available Funding
- Travel grants are capped at $2,000 for domestic tours and $2,500 for international tours.
- Each speaker will receive an honorarium of $300 after their tour is finished and all paperwork is turned in.
For futher information or inquiries, please contact:
Judy Fahnestock, Program Manager
3535 College Road, Suite 101
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3710
Phone: 907-474-1600, Fax: 907-474-1604
Email: judy [at]
Online Forms
Download Forms
Host Profile Application (PDF - 100 KB)
Tour Evaluation Form (PDF - 51 KB)
If you have difficulty with a PDF download, please try these solutions, email webmaster [at] or call 907-474-1600.