
In March 2005, Dr. Daqing Yang, an associate research professor at the Water and Environmental Research Center, Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, traveled to Ontario to present seminars at the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC), York University, and Wilfrid Laurier University.

Yang is an internationally respected scientist with a strong publication record in the measurement of solid precipitation, and the hydrology of large Arctic basins. Both of these issues are priority areas of research both within the Meteorological Service of Canada, and in numerous major Canadian universities in the greater Toronto area.

Over 80 participants including scientists at the MSC, university faculty, undergraduate and graduate students benefited from interacting with Yang. The university lectures were structured to foster an informal exchange of ideas between Dr. Yang and graduate students. In addition to the seminars and lectures, Yang will spent time at the MSC office in Downsview continuing collaborative research on precipitation measurement in the Arctic with MSC personnel.