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First Name Last Name Email
Timothy Cater tcater@abrinc.com

Organization: ABR, Inc. — Environmental Research and Services

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: bioremediation, oil spills, plant ecology

Current Research: Revegetation of land disturbances in North Slope oilfields using legumes and other plant materials (willow cuttings/grass cultivars). Using sewage sludge to amend thick gravel fill in the Arctic in order to enhance plant growth. Conducting site assessments and environmental monitoring of tundra contaminated with hydrocarbons. Developing methods for maximizing oil recovery during oil spill cleanups while simultaneously minimizing ecological damage.

Howard Cattle hcattle@meto.gov.uk

Organization: Met Office (United Kingdom)

Department: Ocean Applications

Title: Head

Specialties: climate modeling, ocean circulation

Current Research: Modeling of climate and climate change in high latitudes. Chair of the Scientific Steering Group (SSG) for the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Arctic Climate System Study (ACSYS).

Richard Caulfield caulfield99801@gmail.com

Organization: Retired

Department: Department of Alaska Native and Rural Development

Title: Chancellor Emeritus

Specialties: anthropology, natural resources policy, community development

Current Research: Alaska: - Rural and community development. - Co-management of renewable resources. - Subsistence law and policy. Greenland: - Rapid social and cultural change. - Renewable resource management regimes. - Marine mammals, especially whaling.

Douglas Causey dcausey@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Title: Professor

Specialties: biodiversity, avian biology, paleoecology

Current Research: Arctic biodiversity. Systemetics of arctic marine birds. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Population genetics of trans-Beringian vertebrates.

Donald Cavalieri donald.j.cavalieri@gsfc.nasa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Department: Cryospheric Sciences Branch, Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing, air-sea-ice interactions

Current Research: Development and validation of satellite microwave sea ice algorithms; Development of sea ice climate data records

Steven Cavallo cavallo@ou.edu

Organization: University of Oklahoma

Department: School of Meteorology

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: Our lab's research focuses on the dynamics and physical mechanisms of high latitude atmospheric processes. We study Arctic and Antarctic processes using high resolution regional and global numerical models such as NCAR's Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and the Model for the Prediction Across Scales (MPAS). Since these locations are relatively data-sparse regions of the globe, we also study atmospheric predictability through ensemble data assimilation techniques using tools such as the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) to better understand how to extend information provided by observations to improve numerical models.

Current Research: Prof. Cavallo's research interests lie primarily in the study of vortex dynamics, particularly when applied to high latitude proccesses on weather and climate scales.

Edwige Cavan edwige.cavan@hotmail.fr

Organization: Brown University

Department: American Studies

Title: Visiting Research Scholar

Specialties: arctic policy, environmental studies, natural resources management

Current Research: I am conducting research on the governance of the Arctic. Title of the dissertation: Establishing a Peace Park regime in the Arctic: A comparative study of North American and European approaches to governance of shared resources.

Michael Cecile michael.cecile@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Retired Research Scientist and Manager now Emeritus

Specialties: geology, structural geology, stratigraphy, regional geology

Current Research: Regional geologist with diverse interests and expertise, especially in mapping, stratigraphy, structural geology, sedimentology, facies analysis, volcanism. Regional geology of the Canadian Cordillera, Canadian Arctic and Arctic Islands, and the Precambrian Canadian Shield.

Lee Cerveny lcerveny@fs.fed.us

Organization: U.S. Forest Service

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Research Social Scientist

Specialties: anthropology, indigenous peoples, public policy

Current Research: Co-management. Environmental conflict. Siberia and Alaska.

Marcelle Chabot marcelle.chabot@cfc-swc.gc.ca

Organization: Government of Canada

Department: Scott Polar Research Institute

Title: Senior Policy Manager

Specialties: cultural anthropology, traditional knowledge and wisdom, salmon

Current Research: We are doing research about traditional knowledge of salmon along the Yukon River. Our goal is to find constructive approaches for the fisheries managers, using and involving the local people in the management of their fishery.

James Chalmers jac@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Geophysics

Specialties: geology, exploration geophysics, plate tectonics

Current Research: Petroleum geology of Greenland.

Linda Chamberlain lachambe@health.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services

Department: Alaska Violence Prevention Project

Title: Project Director

Current Research: Domestic violence. Child witnesses of domestic violence. Relationship between domestic violence and child abuse. Infancy prevention.

Michael Champ machamp@aol.com

Organization: Green Education Foundation

Department: Texas Engineering Experiment Station - Washington Office

Title: Director

Specialties: environmental assessment, toxicology, oil spills

Current Research: Oil spill response, planning and training. Fisheries contaminants.

Norman Chance chance@uconn.cted.net

Organization: University of Connecticut

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: environmental studies, resource development, Native rights

Current Research: Impact of large-scale natural resource development on the peoples and environment of the regions concerned.

Shenn-Yu Chao chao@hpel.cees.edu

Organization: University of Maryland, College Park

Department: Horn Point Environmental Laboratory

Title: Professor

Specialties: physical oceanography, ocean circulation

Current Research: Arctic eddies under sea ice. Marginal ice zone circulation.

F. Stuart Chapin III terry.chapin@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: ecology, ecosystem science, global change

Current Research: Role of vegetation in land-atmosphere interactions of arctic ecosystems. Role of biodiversity in arctic ecosystem processes. Boreal forest long-term ecological research program.

Sourav Chatterjee sourav@ncaor.gov.in

Organization: National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research

Department: Arctic Ocean-Atmosphere Studies

Title: Scientist

Specialties: Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions, Large scale ocean and atmsopheric circulations.

Current Research: Current research areas:
1) Sea-ice distribution in Arctic
2) Causes and effects of warming of the Arctic Ocean
3) Large scale Arctic atmospheric circulations

Brian Chatterton brian.chatterton@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: paleontology, paleoecology, biosystematics

Current Research: Paleozoic fossils of Mackenzie Mountains and Arctic Islands; particularly trilobites, brachiopods, sponges, rostroconchs, and conodonts.

Keith Chaulk keith.chaulk@neb-one.gc.ca

Organization: National Energy Board

Department: Labrador Institute

Title: Board Member

Dale Chayes dale@ccom.unh.edu

Organization: University of New Hampshire

Department: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

Title: Research Engineer

Specialties: instrumentation, navigation, bathymetry

Current Research: Acousitics. Marine geophysics. Electronics. Submarine based geophysical survey systems. Seafloor Characterization And Mapping Pods (SCAMP). SCICEX.

Changsheng Chen c1chen@umassd.edu

Organization: University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Department: School of Marine Science and Technology

Title: Professor

Current Research: Chen is a coastal oceanographer who is interested in modeling and observational exploration of coastal ocean circulation, oceanic frontal processes, turbulent mixing/bottom boundary layer dynamics, chaotic mixing, western boundary current, internal waves and tides, and biological/physical interaction. His recent research is mainly focused on the coastal and estuarine modeling and ecosystem dynamics in the US eastern continental shelf, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, and Texas/Louisiana shelf, Georgia and South Carolina estuaries, East and South China Seas and Arctic Ocean.

Gang Chen gchen@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Mining and Geological Engineering

Specialties: rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, modeling

Current Research: Probabilistic Analysis of Slope Stability. Mining in Arctic Areas.

Christina Cheng c-cheng@uiuc.edu

Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Department: Animal Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: animal physiology, biology, biochemistry

Current Research: Molecular evolution of antifreeze proteins in cods and other northern fishes.

Mengdawn Cheng chengmd@ornl.gov

Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Department: Department of Environmental Sciences

Title: Research Staff Member

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, environmental engineering

Current Research: Atmospheric aerosols, mercury, and persistent toxics.

Norman Cherkis fiveoceanscon@yahoo.com

Organization: Five Oceans Consultants

Title: President and CEO

Specialties: bathymetry, marine geology, marine geophysics

Current Research: Compiling and developing bathymetry in littoral areas of the Arctic Ocean for IOC/IASC project: International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean. Siberian continental margin work completed. Work on Greenland margin in progress.