Event Type

Impacts of glacier retreat on Greenland coastal margins

Event Dates

The Greenland Ice Sheet Ocean (GRISO) science network will host the first GRISO Summer School in Nuuk, Greenland during July 11-23, 2022. The topic is Impacts of glacier retreat on Greenland's coastal margins. The school will take place at the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources. The GRISO Summer School emphasizes Greenland science and building collaboration, communication, and complex problem-solving skills across disciplines. Participants in the summer school will:

  • Learn about the state of science and research techniques pertaining to Greenland's ice sheet and ocean margins.
  • Develop skills in cross-discipline collaboration and communication to explore cutting-edge system science topics facilitated by experts from Knowinnovation.
  • Build and strengthen research community connections, especially a healthy and strong early career network.

The 2022 summer school is able to accommodate approximately 12 students. The primary audience for the summer school is advanced PhD students and postdocs. The organizers encourage applications from Greenland-based students and underrepresented minority groups. Summer school participants will have the opportunity to participate in boat trips and hiking, as well as other outdoor activities. No previous outdoor experience is required and arrangements will be available for people with limited mobility.

Applications close on 11 February 2022. Applications will be evaluated by the GRISO steering committee, and applicants will be admitted with the aim of having a diverse and interdisciplinary group of students. Participants will be notified of acceptance via email by roughly 1 March 2022.