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The Alpine Glaciology Meeting 2021 was held successfully as a virtual meeting, organised by a joint team from Milan and Munich. The organizers have decided to keep this team and organise the upcoming meeting together.

At the moment, the organizers plan the AGM 2022 to be a physical meeting in Munich. However, if pandemic conditions deteriorate, the organizers might have to switch to a fully virtual conference. They will also accept virtual contributions via an online platform. Given these uncertainties, the organizers would like to invite all interested people to join us for two days of scientific presentations and discussions 24 and 25 March 2022 in Munich and online.

The meeting will serve as a forum for presenting new scientific work related to mountain glaciers from the Alps and elsewhere in relation to environment and climate. Especially early career scientists are welcome to present their ideas and projects. Oral presentations should not exceed 15 minutes. For the posters we will organise an open discussion forum. Online contributions are also welcome, but the organizers prefer a physical presence, in order to allow in-depth discussions.

Abstract deadline is 25 February 2022.