Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events

Advancing Predictability of Sea Ice

Event Dates
Online: 9:00 am AKDT (10:00 am PDT, 11:00 am MDT, 12:00 pm CDT, and 1:00 EDT)

The Sea Ice Prediction Network–Phase 2 (SIPN2) announces an open webinar titled “Advancing Predictability of Sea Ice” to provide an overview of its main activities and an overview of the SIPN Data Portal for sea ice prediction.

This webinar is designed for the sea ice research community and others interested in advancements in sea ice prediction. While this is an open event, attendees should be aware that the discussions will largely be of a technical nature.

Webinar Speakers:

Uma S. Bhatt, SIPN2 Principal Investigator (PI), is Chair of Atmospheric Sciences at University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute and Director of NOAA Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research (CIFAR). Her research on climate variability aims to understand how climate system components impact one another.

Cecilia Bitz, SIPN2 Leadership Team member, is a professor in the Atmospheric Sciences Department and Director of the Program on Climate Change and part of the Future of Ice Initiative, all at University of Washington. Her research interests include the role of sea ice in the climate system and high-latitude climate and climate change and global coupled climate modeling. Including integrations at very high resolution.

Webinar Program:

Uma Bhatt will present an overview of the SIPN2 project goals and an update on related activities to improve Arctic sea ice forecasts using a multi-disciplinary approach that includes modeling, new products, data analysis, and scientific networks.

Cecilia Bitz, will present an overview of the Data Portal for SIPN Forecasts project, funded by the Office of Naval Research and the development of products including model visualization and access to data processing.
Time for participant questions will follow the presentation.

Further details including registration instructions, will be announced closer to the event. The webinar will be archived and available online after the event.

For questions, contact:
Betsy Turner-Bogren, ARCUS (betsy [at] arcus.org)