The links below may be useful to researchers interested in connecting with potential Arctic research collaborators from other disciplines, organizations, and geographic regions.

Where To Begin

The organizations below have missions focused on interdisciplinary collaboration in Arctic research and serve as a good place to begin connecting with other members of the Arctic research community.

Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives w/a Significant Alaska Field Site Presence

The links below connect to a number of large long-term research programs with a strong field site presence in Alaska.

Tools & Resources for Promoting Better Interdisciplinary Collaborations

Interdisciplinary research collaborations can be challenging! As a potential interdisciplinary team member or leader in Arctic research, the following resources, communities, and programs may be useful to you as you sharpen your interdisciplinary skills.

Other Disciplinary- or Domain-oriented Research Networks

The networks below represent just a few of the many different disciplinary or thematic groups active in U.S. and/or international Arctic research that allow open participation in network activities.

Arctic Research Project/Program Catalogs

The links below will take you to online catalogs or other resources that list funded projects, and can be useful in learning about active research efforts.

Professional Associations

The professional associations and societies below have memberships that are open to all individuals or organizations.