
Graduate Student Positions Available
Ecosystem Science
Center for Ecosystem Science and Society
Northern Arizona University

Flagstaff, Arizona

Application deadline: 15 January 2023

For more information, go to:

The Center for Ecosystem Science and Society (Ecoss) at Northern Arizona University (NAU) invites applications for PhD and MS positions in Ecosystem Ecology. These fixed-term positions will be located in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Research opportunities include:

  • The impact of climate change on Alaskan ecosystems, including effects of changing fire and permafrost on plants, soils, and ecosystem services. Michelle Mack, Ted Schuur, & Xanthe Walker (michelle.mack [at], ted.schuur [at], xanthe.walker [at]
  • How microorganisms regulate biogeochemical responses of ecosystems to environmental change, using tools in quantitative ecology and molecular biology (next-gen sequencing, qPCR, and quantitative stable isotope probing). Bruce Hungate, Paul Dijkstra, Ben Koch, & Egbert Schwartz (bruce.hungate [at], paul.dijkstra [at], ben.koch [at], egbert.schwartz [at]
  • Freshwater ecology, including the science of river restoration and dam removal, terrestrial aquatic interactions, and food web ecology. Jane Marks & Ben Koch (jane.marks [at], ben.koch [at]
  • Plant and microbial ecophysiology exploring the interaction of water and carbon metabolism in diverse systems, from the world's tallest trees to soil microorganisms. George Koch (george.koch [at]
  • Terrestrial ecosystems and global change: above and below ground processes, plant carbon allocation, biosphere-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks, radiocarbon, and phenology. Mariah Carbone & Andrew Richardson (mariah.carbone [at], andrew.richardson [at]
  • Dryland ecology, function and responses to global change; community ecology of biocrusts; plant-soil interactions; “from the ground up” soil-focused ecological restoration. Matthew Bowker (matthew.bowker [at]
  • Microbial trophic interactions and functions in soil and insect-microbe associations integrating traditional and molecular microbiology tools, multi-omics approaches, and bioinformatics. Javier Ceja-Navarro (javier.ceja-navarro [at]

Candidates should explore the Ecoss website and contact a faculty member (prospective advisor) whose interests align most closely with those of the applicant.

Applications should include a cover letter describing your background, research interests, and qualifications, as well as a current resume or curriculum vitae. Program applications should be submitted to the home department recommended by the prospective advisor (Biology, School of Informatics and Computer Sciences, or School of Forestry).

Although hard deadlines vary in different home departments, Ecoss requires that applications be submitted by 15 January 2023. Applications submitted earlier (by 2 December 2022) may be considered for a prestigious NAU Presidential Fellowship.

Graduate student benefits include stipend (Teaching or Research Assistantship), tuition waiver, health insurance, and payment of other student fees.

Application deadline: 15 January 2023

For more information, go to:

For questions, contact:
Matthew Bowker
Email: matthew.bowker [at]