
Request for Proposals
North Pacific Research Board
2018 Core Program Request for Proposals

Submission deadline: 15 December 2017

For further information and submission instructions, go to:

The North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) has announced the 2018 Request for Proposals (RFP). NPRB supports a competitive, peer-reviewed annual RFP process dedicated to marine research in Alaskan waters. The Core Program RFP (formally known as the Annual Research Program) is structured to address both pressing fishery management issues and important ecosystem information needs as prioritized by our Science Plan. Proposals are geographically centered in the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, and Arctic Ocean ecosystems.

NPRB supports a wide array of research across the North Pacific. Research has been categorized into themes that include ocean productivity, lower trophic levels, fishes and invertebrates, seabirds, marine mammals, and human-related issues. Each year the RFP changes slightly to account for funding cycles and special focus sections.

Strong links to communities and stakeholders are expected of all proposals, regardless of the type of study. Proposals for research engaging or impacting Alaskan communities are encouraged to include a letter of support from the appropriate local or tribal governing bodies at the time of submission. All funded projects will be expected to have at least one team member participate in a communications workshop at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium.

The full proposal submission process includes completion of a series of online forms and required files. Applicants must use templates for all sections for which they are supplied. Proposals that do not use the templates will not proceed beyond the initial screening.

Proposals undergo four stages of review, including independent peer review, the NPRB Science and Advisory Panels. The Board determines final funding recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce based on these reviews. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions in late May 2018.

RFP Timeline:

  • Online Submission Opens: 27 September 2017
  • Deadline for Proposals: 15 December 2017
  • Peer Review: January - March 2018
  • Science and Advisor Panel Review: April 2018
  • Board Review: May 2018
  • Initial Notification to Applicants: Late May 2018
  • Submission to Secretary of Commerce: Late May 2018
  • Commence Research: No earlier than 1 July 2018

For further information and submission instructions, see: