
For more information on this Ph.D. scholarship on animal population
ecology available at the University of Oslo, please contact:

Harald Steen
Tel. +47/2285-7034
e-mail: harald.steen [at]

4-year Ph.D. scholarship in animal population ecology at University of
Oslo, Norway

Application deadline is: 15 January 2002

The candidate will work on the project "Access to food patches‚ effect
on winter survival of small rodents." The goal of the project is to
explore the role of how the shape and extent of the subnivean space
affects over-winter survival in small rodents. The experimental
fieldwork will be conducted at Evenstad research station and Finse
Forskningssenter (
Since most of the fieldwork will be done during winter, the successful
candidate must be familiar with winter conditions and feel comfortable
working in the snow! Survival will be modeled using modern statistical
methods demanding familiarity with basic statistical theory and
techniques as well as meeting the requirement for admittance to Ph.D.
studies at the University of Oslo.

The Department of Biology, Division of Zoology, has 7 permanent staff, 6
Ph.D. students, and about 8 Post Docs working on behavioral ecology
(Slagsvold, Lampe), theoretical population ecology and time series
(Stenseth), and experimental population ecology (Steen, Ims).

The scholarship is for four years with a 25% teaching load.

Application deadline is 15 January 2002.

You must supply 3 copies of the application to:

Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
v/personalkonsulent Bente Schjoldager
Postboks 1032
0315 OSLO

For further information, please contact:
Harald Steen, tlf. +47/2285-7034
e-mail: harald.steen [at]