
For more information about this upcoming online workshop starting next
Monday, 22 April, or other aspects of the HARC initiative, please
contact either:

Henry Huntington, HARC SMO Director, hph [at]
Dan Ferguson, HARC SMO Project Manager, dan [at]

Online Workshop: Humans and the Arctic Nearshore Zone

The Science Management Office of NSF's Human Dimensions of the Arctic
System (HARC) initiative invites you to join the second in a series of
online workshops designed to help generate project level ideas for HARC
research. This workshop will follow the same format as this week's
Humans and Arctic Hydrology workshop with two moderators beginning and
facilitating the discussions. The discussion will be available 24 hours
a day for three days; participants may enter the discussion at any time
during those three days.

Humans and the Arctic Nearshore Zone
22-24 April 2002

Moderators: Lee Cooper, University of Tennessee Anne Jensen, Ukpeagvik
Inupiat Corporation

Workshop location: (registration is now open)
Background info at:

The nearshore area is vital for many arctic residents. The interactions
among terrestrial, freshwater, and marine systems govern the boundary
conditions associated with the nearshore as well as feedbacks on each of
those systems. These interactions have a human dimension, too, as people
affect the nearshore and are in turn affected by it. The purpose of this
workshop is to identify and discuss potential research approaches to
investigate these and other links between humans and the nearshore area
in the Arctic. The nearshore initiative presents a great opportunity to
create a strong human dimensions component in arctic system research,
with close links to research on the physical and biological aspects of
the nearshore area.

If you have any questions about this workshop, contact Henry Huntington
(hph [at], HARC SMO Director.