
For more information on this program for using Iridium data units
or to submit an application to participate, see the web site at:

Information Technology on the Final Frontier
Wiring the 7th Continent for Science

In cooperation with the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), a
competitively selected demonstration project employing the Iridium
low-earth orbiting satellite system and the DISA Hawaii ground station
is being implemented by the Ocean.US Office. A portion of the program
involves field applications encompassing a diverse set of requirements,
applications, and marine environments. A reasonable number of Iridium
L-Band Transceivers (LBTs), i.e., Iridium data units, and accompanying
satellite telemetry time are available for distribution to the ocean
community for evaluation.

To get more information on this program, or to submit an application to
participate, go to the web site: