
SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT: Alaska Oceans and Watersheds Symposium

For more information on the Alaska's Oceans and Watersheds Symposium
scheduled for 18-19 June 2002 in Anchorage, Alaska, or to submit your

visit the web site:

or contact:
Molly McCammon, Executive Director
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
441 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 500
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907/278-8012 or 800/478-7745
Fax: 907/276-7178
email: molly_mccammon [at]

Alaska's Oceans & Watersheds Symposium:
Sustainability in the context of change

A statewide symposium on the state of Alaska's marine environment will
be held at the Hotel Captain Cook in downtown Anchorage, Alaska 18-19
June 2002.

Media coverage of this event is welcome!

The 2002 Alaska's Oceans & Watersheds Symposium will serve as a conflux
of presentations and panel discussions on major issues affecting our
waters and the resources they support.

Keynote presentations include:
- Capt. David L. Martin, Director of Oceans.US, on the subject of Ocean
Observing Systems in a National & Global Context
- Governor Tony Knowles on the PEW Oceans Commission and state oceans
and watersheds management and conservation efforts
- Students from the first annual Alaska Student Ocean Conference giving
their perspective on management of Alaska's oceans
- A concluding panel moderated by former state senator Arliss
Sturgulewski, synthesizing the results of the symposium

Speakers, panels, and discussions will focus on:
- The ocean's carrying capacity
- Status and trends of Alaska's fish, birds, and mammals
- Impacts of contamination on fish and wildlife and their use as
traditional foods
- How changing technology can improve our ability to understand Alaska's
- Ecosystem-based management and ocean policies and governance

The symposium is jointly sponsored by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee
Council, North Pacific Research Board, State of Alaska, US Department of
Interior, University of Alaska, EPA, Alaska Board of Fisheries, NOAA,
the Alaska Coastal Policy Council, and the North Pacific Fisheries
Management Council. Registration is free, but lunch is limited by the
available space.

A registration form, the symposium agenda, and a flyer suitable for
posting are available at the web site:

Or you can contact:
Molly McCammon, Executive Director
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
441 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 500
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907/278-8012 or 800/478-7745
Fax: 907/276-7178
email: molly_mccammon [at]