
Postdoctoral position available researching photochemistry in snow
University of Alaska, Fairbanks

For more information contact
Bill Simpson
Email: ffwrs [at]
Phone: (907) 474-7235

For additional information about the Simpson research group, the
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, or the Geophysical Institute,

see the web site:

A postdoctoral position researching photochemistry in snow is available
with Bill Simpson at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks. In this project,
radiation transfer models are being developed and tested for calculation
of photolysis rates of snow-adsorbed molecules. These photolysis rates
are important for snow-pack photochemistry and interpretation of ice
cores. Additionally, similar heterogeneous photochemistry is likely to
occur on atmospheric ice particles.

The project couples experiments with computer modeling, therefore,
candidates should have a strong background in experimental chemistry
and/or physics. Experience with radiation transfer theory, radiation
measurements, and/or gas chromatographic techniques is desirable. Most
importantly, Bill Simpson seeks a skilled and highly motivated
experimentalist interested in Arctic chemistry. The position is
currently open.

An application should include a CV with publication list and the names
and contact information (phone numbers, email addresses) of two or three

Please send application to wrs [at] (e-mail preferred)
Bill Simpson
Department of Chemistry
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Natural Science Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6160
Phone: (907) 474-7235

For additional details regarding the position contact Bill Simpson
(contact information above)

For additional information about the Simpson research group, the
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, or the Geophysical Institute,
see the web site: