
Earth Cryosphere as a Habitat and an Object for Nature Management

Pushchino, Russia
19-21 May 2003

For further information contact:
David Gilichinsky (gilichin [at]

Please e-mail your abstracts before 30 December 2002 to:

gilichin [at]

The International Conference on Earth Cryosphere as a Habitat and an
Object for Nature Management will be held in Pushchino, Russia 19-21 May
2003 in the Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems in
Soil Science RAS.

Co-sponsors of the Conference:
Scientific Council on Earth Cryology RAS (SCEC RAS)
Institute of the Earth Cryosphere, Siberian Branch of RAS (IEC SB RAS)
Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science
Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Siberian Branch of RAS (PI SB RAS)
International Permafrost Association
Russian Foundation for Basic Research

Conference Themes:
Problems of nature management in Arctic and Subarctic
Peculiarities of energy exchange in Earth Cryosphere
Cryobiosphere. Medico-social aspects of residence in the North.
Zonal and regional features of Cryosphere
Cryogenic facies analysis, cryoindicators
Extreme phenomena: monitoring, prognosis, control
Physico-chemical essence of cryogenic (periglacial) processes and

Round-table discussions of the results and future research goals will be
held in the period of the Conference. Conference Languages are Russian
and English. Simultaneous translation of Russian and English speaking
authors will be available. Plenary sessions will be held in the first
and the last day of the Conference. Geocryologists, glaciologists, soil
scientists, climatologists, biologists, medics, engineers and all other
interested specialists from Russia and abroad are invited to participate
in the Conference. This is an excellent opportunity for scientific
first-hand interaction and discussion of mentioned problems.

Abstracts not longer than one page must be typed in 12 font with 1.5
space interval without graphs and tables. Conference participants will
be limited to two presentations as a sole or co-author. Please e-mail
your abstracts to arrive before 30 December 2002 to:
gilichin [at]

The Abstract Volume will be available at the Conference. The papers
presented may be published in the Earth Cryosphere Journal. To hasten
the publication the editorial board recommends submitting to the
Organizing Committee the manuscript of the presentation (that meets the
requirements of the Journal) during the Conference.

The Conference program will be sent around in March 2003 in the Second
Circular. Simultaneously the authors will be notified of acceptance of
their abstracts.

The Conference registration fee is $200. This covers the publishing of
the Conference Program and the Abstract Volume, simultaneous translation
during the sessions, transfer from Moscow/airport to Pushchino and back.
The conference registration fee should be paid at the participants'
registration in Pushchino. All students participate in the Conference
without registration fee. Pushchino Hotel offers the following
accommodation options (breakfast included): $12 per person/ per night in
the double room, $28 for the double room, and $46-48 for a luxury suite.

The Organizing Committee requests the following information from the

Name, Title:
Contact info (telephone, fax, e-mail):
Please be sure to answer the following:
Are you planning to attend the Conference
What is your preferable form of the presentation (oral/poster)
Should you not attend the Conference personally, would you still want to
have the Conference Proceedings volume

For more information contact:
David Gilichinsky
142290 Pushchino, Moscow Region
Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, RAS
Tel: (0967)732604
Fax: (0967)790595
E-mail:gilichin [at]