
Proposal for Canadian Research Icebreaker

You can consult the list of equipment requested (with scientific
justification) in the full icebreaker proposal at:

For more information on this proposal or the Equipment Workshop taking
place 21 January 2003 in Montreal, Canada please contact:
martin.Fortier [at]

Dear Arctic Colleagues,

The proposal for a Canadian research icebreaker is presently in the
final stage of approval by the Canada Foundation for Innovation. As part
of the conditions for the release of the grant, the Expert Review
Committee proposed that a national workshop be held to review and
finalize the list of equipment that will be attached to the ship to help
complete its scientific mission in the Arctic.

This Equipment Workshop will be held in Montreal on 21 January 2003 at
the Wyndham Montreal Hotel, just prior to the Third CASES International
Planning Workshop (22-24 January). Canadian Investigators and their
International partners that expect to use the icebreaker in the future
are invited to attend the Equipment Workshop to discuss this pool of
scientific equipment and make their recommendations and suggestions. The
criteria for the final selection of equipment will be the same as those
used in the first selection submitted to the CFI:

1) to be necessary for the proposed science plan that will be supported
by the infrastructure
2) to have the potential to be useful to several teams (common
3) to contribute to palliate the most urgent shortcomings in the aging
pool of equipment available to the Canadian Arctic science community
4) to be innovative and fully justified scientifically

The overall amount awarded for scientific equipment by CFI will not be
increased. Therefore, additional equipment must replace equipment
already proposed, and a consensus based on the above criteria must be
reached on the final list. Other promising avenues to further increase
this pool of equipment will be discussed at the Workshop.

For your information, you can consult the list of equipment requested
(with scientific justification) in the full icebreaker proposal at:

This list of equipment results from a wide consultation of experts from
Canadian universities and federal agencies in all fields of Arctic ocean
sciences, conducted in the fall of 2001 during preparation of the full

Some important instruments have already been acquired from an earlier
grant (CFI-MEQ) to mobilize the icebreaker for science. These include
two Seabird Carousel rosette systems(24 &12 bottles); two SBE911plus
CTDs with pH, Oxygen, PAR sensors, transmissometer & fluorometer (6000m
depth ratings); one heavy duty (60HP) Hawbolt winch with 4500m of Kevlar
wire; one medium duty (40hp) Hawbolt winch with 4500m of electromechanic
wire & 6 laboratory containers.

If you intend to attend the Equipment Workshop please register ASAP with
Martin Fortier (martin.Fortier [at] and book your
accommodation at the:

Wyndham Montreal
1255, Jeanne-Mance, CP 130
Montreal, Quebec H5B 1E5
Phone: 514-285-1450

Single & double occupancy rooms (129CAN$) have been blocked for the
event until 21 December. Just mention that you are taking part in the
Canadian Icebreaker Workshop when you make your reservation.

If you cannot attend the workshop but nevertheless wish to make
suggestions or recommendations to be considered at the Workshop, please
forward these to Martin Fortier (martin.Fortier [at]

We look forward to your input towards a national consensus on the
equipment that will support the rebuilding Canadian effort in Arctic
oceanography and coastal ecology.

All the best,

Prof. Louis Fortier
Principal Investigator
Québec-Océan, Pavillon Vachon
Université Laval, Québec, Québec G1K 7P4
Tel: 1-418-656-5646
Fax: 1-418-656-2339
Louis.fortier [at]