
All Union Symposium regarding the International Polar Year and
International Heliophysical Year at the EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly
Nice, France
8 April 2003 (tentative date)

Abstract Deadline 15 January 2003

For further information on the EGS-AGU-EUG meeting, see:

There will be a rare Joint Assembly of the European Geophysical Society,
American Geophysical Union, and European Union of Geosciences
(EGS-AGU-EUG) in Nice, France, from 7-11 April 2003. Among the many
sessions will be an All Union Symposium (#5) devoted to discussion of
proposals for a next International Polar Year and concurrent
International Heliophysical Year. The tentative date is 8 April. Planning
for the invited oral presentations is just beginning. In addition,
there will be an associated poster session to address IPY/IHY science
issues, possible assets, and programs as well as historical aspects.
Abstracts for posters must be submitted no later than 15 January 2003
(see the EGE-AGU-EUG website below for instructions). We also hope to
hold a Town Meeting, also on 8 April, sponsored by the US Polar Research
Board and the European Science Foundation, to allow more interactive

For further information on the EGS-AGU-EUG meeting see:

For more IPY information see:

Points of contact: Leonard Johnson (gljgerg1 [at] or Chris Elfring
(celfring [at]