
Second Annual Carbon Sequestration Conference
May 5-8, 2003
Washington DC

See the conference website for more information:

Deadline to submit abstracts is 7 February 2003

Dear Colleague:

The U.S. Department of Energy together with other federal agencies,
including the Departments of Commerce, Agriculture and the Environmental
Protection Agency, is working intensively in a variety of areas to meet
President George W. Bush's goal of achieving an "18 percent reduction in
greenhouse gases in the next ten years…while sustaining economic
growth." One field of endeavor that can provide a pathway to achieving
this goal and be a bridge to a new energy economy is carbon
sequestration. The President recognized this in announcing his climate
change initiative. This is the focus of this conference. Starting in
2003 as an annual event, and building on DOE's National Energy
Technology Laboratory 2001 conference which drew over 450 participants,
it will focus on the "innovation" and science and technological advances
the President has called for to make carbon sequestration a practicable
and commercially deployable technology to address his carbon intensity
reduction goal.

Individuals who are interested in giving an oral presentation at the
Second Annual Conference on Carbon Sequestration are encouraged to
submit an abstract for review. Please feel free to submit sub-topics not
specifically defined but are related to the main topics listed on the
conference website at:

Guidelines for Abstracts:
Submit a 100 word abstract via e-mail including: Paper Title,
Author/Co-Authors, Name of Paper Presenter and Affiliation, Title,
Address, Phone, Fax and e-mail address for each individual. Progress in
Technology Development, Field Experience, Innovation and New Information
and Approaches is what we will be looking for!!

Email Abstracts To: carbonsq [at]