
Circumpolar PhD Network in Arctic Environmental Studies 2003 PhD course:
"Tourism in the North - Environmental and Cultural Aspects"
Iceland, 8-22 August 2003

For more information see: (>Courses)

Extended deadline for applications is 17 April 2003

The CAES Network (Circumpolar PhD Network in Arctic Environmental
Studies) invites applications from PhD students for participating in the
2003 PhD course "Tourism in the North - Environmental and Cultural
Aspects" Iceland, August 8-22, 2003

EXTENDED DEADLINE for applications is 17 April, 2003
See more information and the application form in the website: (>Courses)

The course focuses on the interactions of nature and tourism in the
Arctic and Subarctic, and with local cultures and societies, which is
examined from the viewpoint of different disciplines, combining in situ
studies in Iceland with comparative analysis of examples from different
areas around the circumpolar North. Participation in the CAES course is
limited to 18 PhD students from different disciplines and countries.

Application procedure:
PhD students engaged in natural, cultural and socio-economic aspects of
arctic/subarctic environmental studies can apply for the course. The
application form must be filled and sent to the address below. The
selection process, involving course organizers and members of the CAES
coordination, will take place end of March and selected participants
will be contacted via email. Please pick up the application form from
the website, fill it in and send preferably by email to:

Anna Karlsdottir
Assistant professor & CAES Course Coordinator
Department of geography and geology,
University of Iceland
v. Su urgata
101 Reykjavik, Iceland
annakar [at]
phone: +354 5254741

NorFA funds the course and thereby CAES has the possibility to arrange
for travel grants to students from Nordic Countries, Russia, Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania. However, all students (especially those from North
America) are strongly recommended to seek travel grants also from their
universities or other sources.