
International Conference on Periglacial Geomorphology
Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2005
20-22 January 2005

For more information see:

International Conference on Periglacial Geomorphology
Shifting lands : new insights into periglacial geomorphology

After almost a century of research, periglacial geomorphology is not a
static discipline at all: renewal of its research matter is permanent
and better understanding of cold areas dynamics increases steadily. The
Conference will discuss recent advances in the geomorphology of
periglacial areas; it will cover the following topics:

  • Periglacial dynamics
  • Weathering in cold areas
  • Paraglacial landscapes

Five guests have already accepted to deliver "state-of-the-art" lectures
on the defined topics:
Prof. Hugh FRENCH, University of Ottawa
Prof. Kevin HALL, University of Northern British Columbia
Prof. Colin BALLANTYNE, University of St Andrews
Prof. Colin THORN, University of Illinois
Prof. John DIXON, University of Arkansas

Theme 2 is part of the planned European Science Foundation Network
SEDIFLUX activity.

Important dates:
1st october 2003 : deadline for declaration of intention
1st january 2004 : deadline for submitting abstract

Full information :

Contact : Dr Samuel ETIENNE (setienne [at]