
Request for Arctic Radiosonde Data
Rutgers University

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Dr. Jennifer Francis, Rutgers University
(francis [at]

A project supported by NOAA in association with the Study of
Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) initiative is targeted toward
reducing possible inter- and intrasatellite biases in radiances observed
by the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS). Retrievals from this
instrument have tremendous potential for providing atmospheric and
surface information for studies of Arctic climate change and for
assimilation into a new regional reanalysis. These applications require
that any satellite intercalibration issues be identified and minimized.
By collecting a comprehensive and representative data set of Arctic
radiosondes with which corrections can be derived, we expect to reduce
this uncertainty and increase the value of TOVS products for
investigations of the Arctic climate system.

Toward this end, we are seeking any collections of radiosonde data
during 1979 to present for the region north of 45 deg. N, especially
those that were not incorporated into the Global Radiosonde Network for
numerical weather prediction. We are particularly interested in
obtaining data from field projects and ships in the Arctic Ocean.

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Dr. Jennifer Francis, Rutgers University
(francis [at]