
Second Announcement
Denali Institute Courses
Summer 2004

For further information, please go to:

or call Denali Institute at:

The Denali Institute and the new Murie Science and Learning Center
invite you to explore Denali's vast landscapes and vibrant ecosystems
this summer with Alaskan experts and authors like Verna Pratt and Nick
Jans. The courses are all accredited through UAF, and several are
designed specifically for teachers. Prices range from $150 to $310 USD,
and include two nights accommodation in a remote field camp 35 miles
inside the Park, all meals, transportation, and in some cases university

Course topics include:
High Country Wildflowers
Predators and Politics
Bears of Denali
Where the Wild Things Are: A Wildlife Weekend for Families
Geology of Denali
Adaptation to the Far North
Predators, Prey, and Habitat
Natural Designs
Migratory Birds
Wilderness Writing

The Denali Institute works in partnership with the Alaska Natural
History Association and the National Park Service. ANHA members receive
a 10% discount.

For further information, please go to:

or call Denali Institute at: