
New Portal Launched
Barents Region

To visit the portal, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Arto Vitikka
Arctic Centre
University of Lapland
PO Box 122
FIN-96101 Rovaniemi

Phone: +358-16-3412 782
E-mail: arto.vitikka [at]

A new portal to the Barents region has been launched at:

The portal contains general information about the region, photos, maps,
news, and articles giving an overview of different topics and links that
are arranged thematically.

One aim of the portal is to provide a forum where people, projects, and
organizations can share knowledge and pass on relevant Barents

Barents Information Service is a Finnish, Norwegian, Russian, and
Swedish cooperation project to build a portal for the Barents region and
also increase general knowledge of the Barents region
internationally. The project is funded by the European Union Kolartic
Interreg program.

The project partners include:
Finland - Arctic Centre, Arts Council of Lapland
Norway - Barents Secretariat, Maximite, Norut IT
Russia - Murmansk State Technical University
Sweden - County Administrative Board of Norrbotten and County
Administrative Board of Vasterbotten

For further information, please contact:
Arto Vitikka
Arctic Centre
University of Lapland
P.O. Box 122
FIN-96101 Rovaniemi

Phone: +358-16-3412 782
E-mail: arto.vitikka [at]