
Call for Abstracts
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2004 Fall Meeting
Global Climate Change Session
GC 04: "Recent Changes in the Polar Latitudes: Evidence of Global

Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, 9 September 2004

For abstract submission, please go to:

Please note the following AGU Fall Meeting session, in which your
participation is invited. Please submit any relevant abstracts to the
AGU Web site listed below.

A wide range of environmental changes occurring over the last 20 to 400
years in arctic terrestrial and marine regions have been documented. Are
these impacts of a warming climate? Are these climatic trends producing
consequent impacts to ecosystems, social structures, geomorphology, or
other physical or biological processes? In many respects, the Arctic
responds as a system, as physical, biological, and social structures
display a complicated interdependence. In order to further our
understanding of the relationships and feedbacks among processes, it is
important to compile evidence of change. This session examines
documented changes or trends in a broad array of environmental variables
including (but not limited to) the areal coverage and mass balance of
terrestrial ice and snow cover, vegetation and land cover change,
oceanic circulation and sea ice dynamics, storm frequency and intensity,
forest fires, human and wildlife population variations, and the possible
causes of variation (natural climatic change/global warming). How are
all of these affected by recent and ongoing changes in climate, and how
do they affect climate? How will understanding be improved through
observations and modeling? The session aims to bring together a wide
range of researchers to discuss these pressing issues.

Edward Hanna (Convenor)
Department of Geography
University of Sheffield
E-mail: ehanna [at]

Larry Hinzman (Co-convenor)
Water and Environmental Research Center
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
E-mail: ffldh [at]

For abstract submission, please go to: