
Session Announcement
"Arctic Biogeography"
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
5-9 April 2005
Denver, Colorado

For further information, please go to:

Abstracts are solicited on the topic of Arctic Biogeography for the
Association of American Geographers annual meeting. The theme of the
session is intentionally broad and multidisciplinary, focusing on biotic
systems and processes in the Arctic in the past, present, and future.
Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to, arctic
dendrochronology, limnology, palynology, ecosystem functions (carbon
exchange, soil nutrient dynamics, trophic interactions), experimental
manipulations, disturbance, and species migration. This session is
sponsored by the Biogeography Specialty Group.

To participate in the Arctic Biogeography session, please register for
the AAG meeting and submit your abstract online at the AAG website.
After you have submitted your abstract and registered for the meeting,
you will receive a Presenter Identification Number (PIN). Please email
your abstract and PIN number to the organizer of the session (below) by
Monday, 18 October 2004.

Shelly A. Rayback, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, ArcticNet
Department of Geography
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2

E-mail: rayback [at]

For general information about the meeting, registration, fees and
abstract instructions, please go to the AAG web site: