
Symposium Announcement: "Arctic Hazards"
2nd General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Vienna, Austria
24 - 29 April 2005

For more information, please refer to:

Abstract Deadline: Friday, 21 January 2005

The aim of the symposium is to describe various aspects of Arctic
Hazards. The Arctic region is one of the most important parts of the
World, influencing weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere.
Nowadays it attracts strong scientific attention due to enhanced global
warming signal e.g. increased temperature, thawing of the tundra,
increased storminess, melting of sea ice, increased fresh water
discharge influencing deep water formation the thermohaline circulation
and weather and climate in Europe. Furthermore the Greenland Ice Sheet
is a "wild card" in the Arctic climate system. Because of increased used
of the Arctic resources such as oil and gas, increased navigation,
changes in the fisheries etc. It is important to address some of the
natural hazards occurring to day and in the future such as abrupt
changes in surface air temperature, increased storminess and waves,
icing, increased coastal erosion, strong ice drift, currents and sea
level oscillations, abrupt changes in ice extent and melting of glaciers
including Greenland Ice Sheet. The objectives of the EGU session NH6.03
"Arctic Hazards" is to pay attention to natural hazards events
associated with the above mentioned topics in order to develop physical
explanation and mathematical models of these phenomena and their

Discussions of these problems are especially actual in connection with
the forthcoming International Polar Year.

Instructions for the preparation and submission of abstracts, as well as
details regarding registration and accommodation are posted at:

Financial support application: Friday, 7 January 2005
Receipt of abstracts : Friday, 21 January 2005
Pre-registration: Friday, 8 April 2005

The abstracts (in electronic form) should be sent directly to the EGU
Headquarters and in copy to Igor. V. Lavrenov before Friday, 21 January

Professor Igor V. Lavrenov
Head of Oceanography Department
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
Bering, 38
199397 St.Petersburg, Russian Federation
Phone: +7-812-352-36-04
Fax: +7-812-352-26-88
E-mail: lavrenov [at]