
Seminar Announcement
International Ph.D. School for Studies of Arctic Societies (IPSSAS)
"Resilience in Arctic Societies"
23 May - 3 June 2005
Fairbanks, Alaska

Application Deadline: Sunday, 20 February 2005

For further information, please go to:

The International Ph.D. School for Studies of Arctic Societies invites
graduate students and early career scientists to submit their
applications to participate in the IPSSAS 2005 Seminar - Resilience in
Arctic Societies. The seminar will be held from 23 May to 3 June 2005,
at the University of Alaska Fairbanks with a possible side excursion to

Participants will be exposed to a variety of research topics and
experiences related to the fields of history, culture, and language in
Arctic societies, such as:
- affirmation of cultural differences,
- recognition of territorial rights,
- protection of natural environment,
- safeguarding of vernacular languages,
- search for collective identity,
- development of political autonomy,
- appropriation of history,
- collective healing for errors of the past, and
- continuous growth of local economies.

Participants will gain new knowledge and share their own experiences
through presentations by leading local and invited scientists; visits to
research centres, museums, and libraries located on the University of
Alaska Fairbanks campus; exchanges with faculty and graduate students
about research projects in the Arctic; presentation and discussion of
their own research during the seminar; meetings and exchanges with
representatives of native populations of Alaska; and possibly an
excursion to the town of Valdez at the end of the seminar.

To participate in the IPSSAS 2005 Seminar, please register online at:

Please note that because of the high costs involved in seminar
organization and a limited amount of funding, participants and their
university will be asked to contribute to the costs of their
registration, travel, and accommodation.

Seminar organizers include:
- Department of Eskimology and Arctic Studies, University of Copenhagen
- Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland
- Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO)
- Centre Interuniversitaire d'etudes et de Recherches Autochtones
(CIERA), Universite Laval
- Alaska Native Language Centre, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Department of Anthropology, University of Alaska Fairbanks

For further information, please go to: