
Session Announcement
P5 - Ocean interactions with sea ice, polynyas, ice shelves, and icebergs
International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO)
Cairns, Australia
22-26 August 2005

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 29 April 2005

For further information, please go to:

The International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean
(IAPSO) will be holding a conference in Cairns, Australia, during 22-26
August 2005. A session focused on polar ocean science will be held and
you are invited to submit an abstract.

P5 - Ocean interactions with sea ice, polynyas, ice shelves, and icebergs
Conveners: D. Holland and I. Allison

This session focuses on the physical interactions between the floating
cryosphere and the polar oceans, and their impacts on both ice mass
budget and on ocean structure. Ocean interaction has the potential to
cause rapid large-scale change to the marine cryosphere and has been
implicated in most explanations for abrupt climate change in the past.
Reports on recent advances in the observation or modeling of key
physical processes governing these interactions are welcome. The topics
of this session are:
- sea-ice thermodynamics and dynamics, and their role in climate;
- ice-ocean interactions in polynyas, and their impact;
- ocean circulation in sub-ice shelf cavities;
- boundary layer processes at the ice-ocean interface (for sea-ice, ice
shelves, and icebergs); and
- the role of ice-ocean interaction in large scale ocean circulation,
and in abrupt climatic change.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 29 April 2005

For further information, please go to: