
Deadline Reminder
Summer School Aboard Russian Icebreaker
"Climate Change in the Arctic Ocean"
6-28 September 2005

Application Deadline: Monday, 28 February 2005

For further information, please go to:

The International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska
Fairbanks (USA) in cooperation with Laval University (Canada), the
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (Russia), and the Obukhov
Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Russia) invite the participation of
graduate students and early career scientists in the Summer School
"Climate Change in the Arctic Ocean," to be held 6-28 September 2005
aboard the Russian icebreaker "Kapitan Dranitsyn" during its fourth
scientific cruise to the Arctic Ocean.

More information is available at:

Leading invited scientists will address a wide spectrum of polar
disciplines from oceanography and meteorology to biology, chemistry, and
arctic paleoclimate. In addition to the opportunities for learning and
professional training that are provided by a traditional onshore
educational system, the students aboard the icebreaker will have a
unique chance to experience arctic exploration to acquire invaluable
skills in oceanographic field work under harsh arctic conditions and to
gain a better understanding of how scientific observations are organized
in practice. Students will learn first-hand about oceanographic,
biochemical, ice, and meteorological observations in the dynamically
rich area of the Arctic. Working with the international team of
experienced polar researchers will provide an excellent opportunity to
learn more about modern methods of high-latitude observations and
analysis and to personally participate in the study of the fast-changing
arctic environment.

Limited funds are available to provide accommodation aboard the
icebreaker, meals, and travel to and from Kirkenes, Norway where the
cruise starts and ends. Selection criteria will include the strength of
an applicant's academic background and a supporting letter of

Please send a cover letter describing relevance of the summer school to
your career plans, cv including your academic and research background,
and a letter of recommendation from your supervisor to:

Mrs. Kathy Glodowski
International Arctic Research Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
930 Koyukuk Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Phone: 907-474-1960
Fax: 907-474-2643
E-mail: katcam [at]