
Support for Fieldwork Available
Abisko Scientific Research Station
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Application Deadline: Friday, 1 April 2005

For further information on the opportunity and Abisko Station, please
go to:

The Abisko Scientific Research Station has received the EU-grant ATANS
(Access To Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station) within the EU
Transnational Access Programme (FP6 Contract N 506004) for the period
2005-2009. This grant will financially support travel and accommodation
costs at the Abisko Station for about 35 visiting scientists spending,
on average, one month for each of the four years. In practice, the
duration of stay will vary according to individual project needs.

The objective is "To sponsor new opportunities for research teams
(including individual researchers) to obtain access to individual major
research infrastructures they require for their work." The
characteristics of such infrastructures are that they must be rare in
Europe, must provide a world-class service essential for the conduct of
top quality research, and must typically have investment or operating
costs that are relatively high in relation to those costs in their
particular field. The infrastructures must also be able to provide
adequate scientific, technical and logistic support to external,
particularly first-time, users. The Abisko Scientific Research Station
meets these criteria.

Further information on the Transnational Access Programme is available

Grants are open to applications from scientists in EU-countries outside
Sweden as well as scientists from Associated States. Proposals are
invited from established researchers and young researchers. Applications
from Ph.D. students will also be considered. The feasibility of
achieving stated products from the fieldwork will be an important
criterion for assessment. Consideration will be given to applications by
research project teams, although the number of members of each team
eligible for support will be small. Applications should be made on an
ATANS application form available at:

Application Deadline: Friday, 1 April 2005

The selection of successful candidates will be made by a peer review
committee, composed of representatives in different scientific
disciplines and with research experience in northern areas in general.
The evaluation of applicants will be based on the scientific merit of
their proposals and the appropriateness of the proposed research in the
context of the ongoing research activities of the Abisko Station and the
facilities that it can offer. Established researchers will also be
evaluated on their track records of achievement. The choice of users
will be made in accordance with the principles of transparency,
fairness, and impartiality. Candidates will be informed of the outcomes
of their proposals before 1 May 2005.

Following notification of an award, successful applicants will be
required to complete the electronic application form normally required
from prospective researchers at the Abisko Station. This form is found

The evaluation committee and the Abisko Station staff will not enter
into discussions with unsuccessful candidates. They will be informed of
the reasons why their application was unsuccessful and, where,
appropriate, they will be able to re-apply in future years.

Proposals relating to research on the natural environment (geosphere,
biosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere) of the Abisko area will be
considered. Certain types of proposals and specific scientific areas are
particularly encouraged. These are:
- new, innovative projects;
- projects that strengthen existing research groups and activities;
- projects that integrate or link existing research groups;
- projects lead by scientists from new EU-member states;
- projects that focus on environmental processes during winter;
- projects by first-time users and research groups; and
- projects by users in countries without infrastructures similar to that
at Abisko.

Your application is welcome.

To apply, please go to: