SEARCH SSC & AT Leads In-Person Meeting, 14 December 2015, 6:30-8:30pm PST
SSC Members & Action Team Leads: Brendan Kelly (SEARCH Executive Director), Caspar Ammann (SSC Chair), Hajo Eicken, Steve Vavrus, Uma Bhatt, Ted Scambos, Henry Huntington, Jennifer Francis, Matthew Druckenmiller, Ted Schuur, Marika Holland (phone)
ARCUS: Bob Rich, Helen Wiggins, Brit Myers, Lisa Sheffield-Guy
Other/Guests: Dave McGuire (Former SSC & Permafrost Action Team Lead)
SEARCH Year 2Plan Update
- Update on plan status, timeline, next steps and important feedback received from NSF to date.
- Communication strategies for sharing the SEARCH plan with NSF/agencies and others.
SEARCH Town Hall: Wednesday, 16 December 12:30-1:30pm in Moscone West 2011
- Brendan touch base with co-presenters to answer any questions/finalize presentation plans
Updates on otherSEARCH AGU & pre-AGU activities
- Land Ice
- Permafrost
- Sea Ice
SEARCH at ArcticEncounter Symposium, 15-16 January in Seattle, WA items, as needed/as time allows