IARPC Collaboration Teams meet on a regular basis to implement the Arctic Research Plan: FY 2013-2017. Most meetings are open to the Arctic research community. Collaboration teams facilitate communication and collaboration between Federal agencies, the academic community, industry, non-governmental organizations, and State, local and tribal groups.

There are currently 12 Collaboration teams

Sea Ice Collaboration Team (Scott Harper, ONR)

Improve sea ice forecasts and predictions at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.

Distributed Biological Observatory Collaboration Team (Sue Moore, NOAA and Jacqueline Grebmeier, University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science)

Continue implementing the Distributed Biological Observatory to better understand the impacts of rapid physical changes in the Arctic on biological processes and to support ecosystem-based management in the Arctic.

For more information on DBO go to http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/dbo.

Chukchi and Beaufort seas Ecosystems Collaboration Team (Brendan Kelly, OSTP)

Identify and understand processes that influence ecosystem structure and function—including sensitivities to changes in the physical and chemical environments—to support adaptation efforts and inform models that project the future ecosystem.

Workshop report: "Developing a Conceptual Model of the Arctic Marine Ecosystem" (PDF - 2.6 MB)

Glaciers and Fjords Collaboration Team (Bill Wiseman and Hedy Edmonds, NSF)

Coordinate glacial-processes studies targeting specific dynamic regimes and support long-term monitoring of key outlet glaciers and tidewater glaciers.

Terrestrial Ecosystems Collaboration Team (Carl Markon, USGS and John Payne, NSSI)

Coordinate and integrate terrestrial ecosystem research to increase the understanding of geophysical and ecosystem responses to a changing climate and to better inform management decisions and subsistence uses.

Wildfires Collaboration Team (Kent Slaughter, BLM)

Understand the impacts of wildland fires on vegetation, carbon, wildlife, air quality, permafrost degradation, and biogeochemical cycles to better inform policy and land management.

Atmosphere Collaboration Team (Wanda Ferrell and Ashley Williamson, DOE)

Improve understanding of the complex interactions associated with atmospheric processes, reduce uncertainty in model outputs, and develop long-term observational data sets to better inform decisions in polar climate, extreme weather prediction, shipping, human health, resource development, and commerce.

Arctic Observing System Collaboration Team (Erica Key, NSF)

Support the development of coordinated and integrated regional, national, and global observing systems to advance Arctic observing priorities.

Arctic Data Collaboration Team (Marco Tedesco, NSF)

Support the coordination of current data and metadata catalogues, the development of a portal for improved Arctic data access, and enable the development and adoption of best practices and standards.

Modeling Collaboration Team (Mike Kuperberg, DOE)

Improve Arctic modeling to benefit understanding of ongoing processes, better project future Arctic changes, and guide future process research and decisions.

Arctic Communities Collaboration Team (Bill Fitzhugh, SI)

Improve the ability for communities to adapt to new conditions created by environmental change and diverse socio-economic stressors.

Human Health Collaboration Team (Alan Parkinson, HHS)

Coordinate better comprehension of the health and survival rates of Arctic indigenous peoples to facilitate improvements in well-being.

Chart Showing Collaboration Team Agency Participation Chart Showing Collaboration Team Agency Participation (PDF – 242 KB)

Please email Sara Bowden Bowden [at] arcus.org, IARPC Executive Secretary, if you would like to participate in a teleconference or webinar or if you would like more information about IARPC.