Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events

Speaking: Rick Thoman & Caroline Erickson

Event Dates
Online, 6:30 p.m. AKT

This summer was the warmest on record for the Arctic but…not here in western Alaska! Come learn what happened to keep the Bering Strait regional weather out of step with the rest of the North. El Niño has now arrived and Rick will explain its role for the winter weather + seasonal climate ahead – and will include the latest winter outlooks. Caroline will share her work developing fact sheets with >50 yrs of Alaska’s extreme weather and climate events!

Zoom Meeting Info:

Meeting ID: 817 7934 5118 Passcode: 694577

Or call: 253 215 8782

Rick Thoman is the UAF Climate Specialist with the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP). Caroline Erickson is with the Alaska Fellows Program working with Rick.