Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events

What’s changing on our lands, what’s driving these changes, and what can we do about it?

Event Dates
Online: 10:00-11:00 am AKDT, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT

Please join us to learn more about the recently released book, Drivers of Landscape Change in the Northwest Boreal Region. This book, co-authored by 65 experts in Alaska and northwest Canada, addresses what is driving change in our lands, waters, and wildlife, and includes impacts, future projections, information gaps, and implications for management and ways of life for Indigenous and rural communities. Topics include climate change, wildfire, permafrost thaw, land cover change, invasive species, resource extraction, socioeconomic drivers, and practices of co-production of knowledge. Six of the book’s contributors will provide highlights from the book and how this valuable tool can inform your work in land management, resource stewardship, and research.


  • Amanda Sesser, 21Sustainability
  • Torre Jorgenson, Alaska Ecoscience
  • Scott Slocombe, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Nancy Fresco, International Arctic Research Center
  • Annette Watson, College of Charleston
  • Douglas Clark, University of Saskatchewan