Event Type

Breaking Barriers: Promoting Interdisciplinarity in Polar Science

Event Dates

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is proud to announce the much awaited 5th annual APECS International Online Conference to go live on 15 May 2019. This year’s theme, “Breaking Barriers: Promoting Interdisciplinarity in Polar Science” aims to encourage collaboration between early career scientists from varied disciplines, working in the polar and alpine regions.

Science is about understanding the nature and mechanism of the world. But, understanding the mechanisms related to the “three poles” requires an integrated approach. Interdisciplinarity was one of the main discussion topics during the 2nd APECS World Summit, and it was clear that to achieve big results several tools from different disciplines must be incorporated. One example is climate change; to truly understand climate change and its impacts, we need to bring together the relevant disciplines of climate, environment, social sciences, and others under a multidisciplinary ceiling and assess various ways to understand its complex and interrelated causes and effects. No single approach will work for all. Climate change is not the only topic that can benefit from the integration of cross-disciplinary expertise; understanding how polar oceans function, how continents and alpine regions form, contamination pathways, and many other questions related to the three poles calls for interdisciplinarity. With that intent, APECS calls for ECRs to come forward with their interdisciplinary take on an otherwise contemporary science, by presenting their approach to developing research goals, methods, and outcomes as a short presentation in our one-day Online Conference.

Abstracts must be submitted prior to 22 March 2019 at 23:59 GMT. We will notify you with regards to the success of your abstract by 15 April 2019.

Please follow the link above for more information.