
Interplay of Collisional Tectonics and Late Cenozoic Glacial Climate in
Alaska and the Northeastern Pacific Ocean
A Workshop Sponsored by: JOI/USSSP and Continental Dynamics/NSF
The University of Texas at Austin
4-5 May, 2003

For more information see:

Deadline: 1 March 2003

Interplay of Collisional Tectonics and Late Cenozoic Glacial Climate in
Alaska and the Northeastern Pacific Ocean

Purpose: To develop a science plan to study the links between tectonics,
orogenic processes, glacial landscape modification, and continental
margin sedimentation in southeast Alaska and the northeastern Pacific
Ocean. The workshop will focus on the interplay of late Neogene
collisional tectonics and climate in the Gulf of Alaska's mini-orogen.
Here a nearly closed sediment transport system from the mountain range
to the ocean allows for tectonic, climatic, geodynamic, and surficial
processes to be studied in a natural setting with negligible human

Participation: Scientists representing the fields of tectonics and
geodynamic modeling, terrestrial and marine observational geophysics,
GPS-based geodesy, glaciology, marine geology and glaciomarine
sedimentation, micropaleontology, palynology, paleomagnetics,
paleoclimatology and paleoceanography are encouraged to apply.

To Apply: Contact workshop conveners John Jaeger
(jaeger [at]; 352-846-1381) or Sean Gulick
(sean [at] by March 1, 2003 with the following information:
Name, institution, contact information, a short CV, and a brief
(half-page) statement of interest, including your potential

Limited JOI/USSSP support is available to U.S. participants.

For additional information, visit the workshop web site at: