Institute of Arctic Biology
University of Alaska Fairbanks


Fairbanks , Alaska 99775
United States


Dr. McGuire has conducted studies on how responses of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change may influence the climate system since 1990. His research since the late 1990s has focused on understanding how responses of high latitude terrestrial ecosystems to environmental variability and change (e.g., responses of radiatively active gases such as carbon dioxide and methane and of vegetation structure) may influence the global climate system. His research activities include (1) synthesis of research on responses and feedbacks of high latitude terrestrial ecosystems to the climate system; (2) studies of the sensitivity and uncertainty in structural and functional responses of biological processes to environmental variability and change in high latitudes; and (3) the social and economic consequences of biological responses to global change and the implications for management and policy decisions influencing biological resources. He is serving a fourth term on the Board of Editors for Ecological Applications and is currently serving as an editor of the International Journal of Wildland Fire and Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Dr. McGuire has co-led the U.S. Geological Survey’s Alaska Land Carbon Assessment. Dr. McGuire has also served on the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) Science Definition Team and on the Polar Research Board’s committee to review NASA’s Polar Geophysical Data Sets. He has served on several national level science steering committees (SSCs) including the Carbon Cycle Science Steering Group of the U.S. Climate Research Program, the SSC for the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH), and the SSC for the Arctic Community-wide Hydrological Analysis and Monitoring Program. He has also served on several international committees concerned with global change science in northern high latitudes, including his role as chair of Arctic Monitoring and Assessment’s Program’s scientific assessment of the arctic carbon cycle. Dr. McGuire has also served as an external advisor for the European Union project CARBO-North, and as co-chair of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission study to develop the report “Scaling Studies in Arctic System Science and Policy Support: A Call-to-Research”.


Sea Ice

Science Specialties

global change, modeling, biogeochemistry

Current Research

Role of high latitude ecosystems in global carbon cycle. Response of high latitude ecosystems to global change.