
Resource Available
Arctic Ocean Curriculum Unit

For more information and to download the unit, go to:…

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) announces a new resource, a curriculum unit focused on the Arctic Ocean.

The Arctic Ocean Curriculum Unit was created by ARCUS with funding from the North Pacific Research Board, and updates lessons originally created by PolarTREC alumni teachers to create a unit that uses recent data, aligns with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), polar, and ocean literacy principles, and encourages cultural relevancy. The format used lends itself to the changes in education - providing student-facing slide decks that allow them to move through the lessons with more independence.

The unit traces the movement of energy throughout the Arctic Ocean environment. There is a total of 18 lessons broken into two main components. The entire unit can be downloaded through the resources section of the PolarTREC website.

For more information and to download the unit, go to:…

For questions, contact:
Janet Warburton
Email: warburton [at]