
Report Available
Future of Arctic Social Sciences Research
Arctic Horizons

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The Arctic Horizons has released the Final Report for the Arctic Horizons project. This final report synthesizes the future research priorities that emerged over the course of the project.

The goal of the current Arctic Horizons project was to assemble community input and recommendations on re–envisioning the mission, scope, future priorities, and resource needs of the Arctic social sciences research community.

The objectives of the project were to:

  • Organize, develop, and conduct five regional, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary workshops that integrated expertise from various fields, geographic locations, Indigenous communities, and stakeholder groups to develop a renewed vision of Arctic social sciences and identify key priorities and resource needs in the field for the future;
  • Design and support a broad, inclusive discussion of research priorities, scope, and mission in the Arctic social sciences;
  • Make recommendations to funders and policy makers who support/should support Arctic research; and
  • Produce the final report for the Arctic research community or for Arctic research funders that synthesizes relevant findings on the vision, mission, scope, and priorities of the Arctic social sciences community based on a sixth “synthesis” workshop.

To access and download the report, go to: