
PARCS small workshops in arctic paleoscience
The deadline for proposals is June 1.

The PARCS steering committee has funds available to support small, focused
workshops in aspects of arctic paleoenvironmental science, for example,
regional data syntheses, or updates on specific methodologies. We envision
funding 2-3 workshops at $5000-9,000 each over the next 12 months. Short
(1-2 page) proposals are encouraged from scientists in the arctic paleo
community; these should detail the purpose and goals of the meeting, a list
of potential participants, expected products (publications are welcome but
not necessary), a timetable, and a budget outline (including potential for

Past funded workshops have been on arctic paleohydrology and laminated
sediments in the Arctic. Workshop topics should be relatable to the PARCS
research guidelines, which can be found on the PARCS web site.

Requests for further information and proposals should be sent to:

Mary Edwards, PARCS co-chair
Department of Geography, NTNU
N-7491 Trondheim
tel: (47) 73591915
fax: (47) 73591878
mary.edwards [at]

For special deliveries:
Geography Department
NTNU (Dragvoll Campus)
Building 7, level 4, room 7499
N-7491 Trondheim
tel: (47) 73591910