
TO: Arctic Colleagues

The Autumn 2001 issue (Volume 9, Number 1) of the newsletter "Witness
the Arctic" has just been published and is being mailed to more than
7000 subscribers. The newsletter is bulk mailed; it may be several weeks
before you receive your copy. Future mailings can be expedited by making
sure that we have an accurate address and complete 9-digit zip code.
Please check the address label on your newsletter and send updated
information, including a complete 9-digit zip code, to ARCUS at
arcus [at]

The on-line editions of the newsletter, including this most recent
issue, are available for downloading in PDF format at

If you are not currently on our mailing list and wish to subscribe to
"Witness," you may subscribe online at, or send an email
to ARCUS with your request and complete contact information. Please
submit ideas for the Spring 2002 newsletter to ARCUS by 15 January 2002.

"Witness the Arctic" is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Arctic Sciences Section and produced by ARCUS. Opinions, findings,
conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the newsletter do not
necessarily reflect the views of NSF.

Wendy K. Warnick Executive Director