
For more information on these long- and short-term Rockefeller
Foundation Humanities Fellowships, see the web site at:

Long-term Fellowship Deadline is: 20 January 2002

Short-term Fellowship Deadlines are: 20 February, 20 May, and 20 August

Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowships

The Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowships support scholars and
writers engaged in research on global social and cultural issues
relating to diversity, sustainability, and civil society. The fellowships
will be offered as residencies at host institutions in North and South
America which were selected for their potential to promote new work in
the humanities. The fellowships are meant to serve scholars who are
testing disciplinary boundaries or moving into newer fields of
inquiry within the humanities. Although the majority of the fellow's
time will be spent pursuing his or her own research toward publication,
the residency may involve participation in seminars, conferences, or
other collaborative activities within the host program.

From 2002-until 2005, the Newberry Library will award one long-term
fellowship and a series of short-term fellowships each year to nourish
research and teaching in Native American Studies. The D'Arcy McNickel
Center for American Indian History at the Newberry invites applicants
whose research projects articulate a commitment to interdisciplinary
synthesis, the implications of diversity among Indian communities,
and/or the collegial exploration of the methodological implications of
different epistemological traditions.

Long-term fellowships ($40,000) support postdoctoral research in
residence at the Newberry for a minimum of 10 months. Short-term
fellowships ($3,000 per month plus $1,000 travel reimbursement), open
only to community-based tribal historians and tribal college faculty,
support one to three months of research in residence.

Each fellow will present her/his research at a McNickle Center seminar
and will be encouraged to participate in the active interdisciplinary
and international community of scholars that gathers for workshops,
seminars, research, and informal discussion at the Newberry.
Presentation of research to the fellows' seminar will be required of
long-term fellows and optional for short-term fellows.

Since its founding in 1972, the McNickle Center has provided a meeting
ground for people working in different academic traditions and
educational contexts. Scholarships fostered by the Center have helped to
transform the field of Native American studies by emphasizing research
in primary sources, the centrality of Indian voices, engagement with
multiple narratives, interdisciplinary perspectives and the dynamics of
intercultural relations. The Center has promoted this scholarship to
broad audiences and played a major role in its adaptation to secondary
and postsecondary education.

Long-term Fellowship Deadline is: 20 January 2002
Short-term Fellowship Deadlines are: 20 February, 20 May, and 20 August

More information can be found at: