
Post Doctoral Research Position at the Center for Coastal
Physical Oceanography of Old Dominion University


Position Start Date: April 2002

Ongoing research programs include studies of primary
production in the Arctic and locally utilizing bio-optics
and remote sensing. A background in physical or biological
oceanography is desired. Participation on oceanographic
cruises is required. Salary is commensurate with experience
and includes benefits. The position is available for up to 3
years duration. The starting date is April 2002, and the
competition will remain open until it is filled.

To apply, or for more information, please contact:

Glenn Cota
Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography
Dept Ocean, Earth, Atmospheric Sciences
Old Dominion University
768 W. 52nd Street
Norfolk, VA 23508
Phone: 757/683-5835
Fax: 757/683-5550
Email: cota [at]