
For more information on the upcoming 19th Polar Libraries Colloquy
taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark, see the PLC web site at:

19th Polar Libraries Colloquy
Gammel Dok
Strandgade 27 B
Copenhagen K, Denmark

17-21 June 2002

Polar Libraries Colloquy (PLC) provides a forum through which librarians
and others concerned with the collection, preservation, and
dissemination of polar information can discuss issues of mutual
interest. A central objective is to promote international collaboration.
The Colloquy meets biennially at venues by tradition alternating between
Europe and North America.

"Poles apart - poles on-line"

The theme of the conference refers to the many library and archive
collections becoming accessible on-line. New databases seem to become
public almost every day, and thus the distance between our collections

Where are we right now? What new iniatives are in the pipeline? How will
we be co-operating in the near future? Will we see electronic
collections across the Polar regions?

For more detailed information, see the PLC web site at: