
For more information on this Advanced Study Course on
Integrated Regional Impact Studies, taking place in
Abisko, Sweden, from 21 July - 3 August 2002, please

Dorte Poszig, assisting coordinator IRISEN-II
Centre for Environmental Research
Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster
Mendelstr. 11
D-48149 Munster, Germany
Phone: +49/251-833-8465
Email: poszig [at]


Please pass along this information to qualified
graduate students and post-graduates.

Announcement for Advanced Study Course IRISEN-II
"Integrated Regional Impact Studies in the European
North: Basic Issues, Methodologies and Regional Climate
Modeling - II" Abisko, Sweden

21 July - 3 August 2002

OBJECTIVES: IRISEN-II aims to introduce advanced
students from various disciplinary and national
backgrounds to the concepts of regional climate
modeling and to its role in an integrated assessment of
global change impacts in the European North. The
emphasis lies on demonstrating the complex
interrelationships between environmental and societal
systems that govern such impacts and which demand
interdisciplinary investigations and the involvement of
decision makers and stakeholders. The participating
students will join more than 20 experts from a variety
of professional and national backgrounds to explore
these issues during lectures, discussion forums, and
field trips.

The course has been approved by the University of the
Arctic as an UArctic Program, and was successfully held
at Abisko Research Station, Swedish Lapland in 1999 for
the first time.

- Gobal changes and their impacts
- Climate and regional climate modeling
- Impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems
- Impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems
- Impacts of climate change on socio-economic systems
in the European North
- Integrated regional impact studies in the circumpolar
- Political options for mitigation and adaptation

WHERE: Abisko Research Station of the Swedish Academy
of Sciences, Abisko, Sweden.

WHO SHOULD APPLY: Graduate students and post-graduates
with experience and interest in global change studies
and/or climate modeling from EU, EEA/EFTA countries;
students from other countries, especially from Eastern
Europe and the Russian Federation can be admitted on a
case-by-case basis. The number of participants will be
limited to 30 who will be selected on the basis of
personal applications.

COSTS: IRISEN-II is being funded by the European
Commission, and fees, food, and lodging will be covered
for all participants. Travel expenses will have to be
covered by the participants. However, there will be
limited support in exceptional cases.

DEADLINE for applications will be: 31 March 2002

MORE INFORMATION: For detailed information on the
program, application procedure and material etc.,
please contact:

Dorte Poszig, assisting coordinator IRISEN-II
Centre for Environmental Research
Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster
Mendelstr. 11
D-48149 Münster, Germany
Phone: +49/251-833-8465
Email: poszig [at]