
AGU Open Meeting: High Latitude Ocean Exploration Planning Discussion
At the AGU Fall Meeting
Moscone Convention Center, Room 120
San Francisco, California
5:30 PM, Saturday, 7 December 2002

For questions or comments regarding this meeting, contact:
Jeremy Potter, NOAA Ocean Exploration
Jeremy.Potter [at]

General information about the Fall Meeting of AGU is available at:

Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite any colleagues interested in polar ocean
exploration to an open meeting, High Latitude Ocean Exploration
Discussion, hosted by NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration at the AGU Fall
Meeting in San Francisco.

The meeting is designed to initiate discussions regarding possible
future ocean exploration programs in both the Arctic and Antarctic. The
objective is to begin to increase the coordination and communication of
these efforts among the various government agencies and investigators.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the 'Profile' document below. All
responses, whether or not individuals are able to attend the December
meeting, will be collated and available electronically to interested
parties. We hope this will become a tool to facilitate greater
collaboration in the future. (Responses should be sent to
jeremy.potter [at] by November 27th.)

Please contact Jeremy Potter (jeremy.potter [at] at NOAA Ocean
Exploration if you have any questions or comments.

Polar Exploration Profile

Plan to attend High Latitude Ocean Exploration meeting (Y/N):

Mailing address:
Region of interest:
Major exploration/research topics/themes:
Planned activities:
Long-term interests:
Major equipment and facilities:

** Please complete and forward electronically to Jeremy.Potter [at]
by November, 27 2002.