
3rd International Mammoth Conference
May 24-29, 2003
Dawson City and Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Please visit the conference website for more information:

Abstracts due 28 February 2003

3rd International Mammoth Conference
Mammoths and their environment:
Evolution and phylogeny
Ecology and physiology
Indicators of Late Quaternary climate change
Special preservation of remains in the Arctic/Subarctic
Mammoth faunas

Contributions are invited for oral presentations and posters within
these themes. Papers based on new methods of analysis, including
molecular research, permafrost preservation, and late Quaternary climate
change in the Arctic/Subarctic are especially encouraged. Abstracts for
oral presentations and posters are due by February 28, 2003

May 24, evening reception, Beringia Centre, Whitehorse
May 25, travel to Dawson City
May 26-29, technical sessions and Klondike field trip

Regular registration $475 Canadian $ through February 28, 2003; $525 thereafter
Student registration $200 Canadian $ until February 28, 2003; $250 thereafter

If you plan to come to this conference, Please register early

For more information please visit the conference website: