
Request for Public Comment
Science Plan
Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI)

For further information, please go to:

The Science Plan is available at:

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) established the Prince William
Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI), to be administrated through
the Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC) located in Cordova,
Alaska. OSRI functions to conduct research and carry out educational and
demonstration projects designed to 1) identify and develop the best
available techniques, equipment, and materials for dealing with oil
spills in the Arctic and Subarctic marine environment; and 2) complement
Federal and State damage assessment efforts and determine, document,
assess, and understand the long range effects of Arctic or Subarctic oil
spills on the natural resources of Prince William Sound and its adjacent
waters, and the environment, the economy, and the lifestyle and
well-being of the people who are dependent on them, except that the
Institute shall not conduct studies or make recommendations on any
matter which is not directly related to Arctic or Subarctic oil spills
or the effects thereof.

The Advisory Board for the Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery
Institute invites public comment on a document describing a long term
Science Plan. Numerous partnership opportunities have arisen in the past
year with potential for leveraging OSRI funds without compromising
either the legislated mandates or core OSRI goals. The strategic plan
described in the Science Plan is intended to provide guidance for OSRI
supported research, education, and demonstration projects that will
maximize these opportunities for partnerships.

This Science Plan describes the OSRI program specifically for the 2005
OSRI fiscal year, 1 October 2004 to 30 September 2005, and generally for
years 2006 through 2010. OSRI is scheduled to be discontinued by 2012.

Please address your comments to:
Dr. Carl Schoch, Director
Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute
PO Box 705
300 Breakwater Avenue
Cordova, AK 99574

E-mail: cschoch [at]

For further information, please go to:

The Science Plan is available at: