
New International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) Website

For further contact information please refer to:

Following the transfer of the secretariat of the International Arctic
Social Sciences Association (IASSA) to Nuuk, where it is hosted by
Ilisimatusarfik, The University of Greenland, the IASSA website has
moved to a new, Greenlandic address:

The website dedicated to the IPY (International Polar Year) initiative
will remain in Fairbanks, where it will continue to be updated by Anne
Sudkamp. On the IASSA portal website in Greenland will be a link to the
IPY website in Alaska, and vice versa. will also remain
administered in Fairbanks as it has been ever since its creation.

I take the opportunity to congratulate and thank Anne Sudkamp for the
outstanding job she did as IASSA executive officer and webmaster, and
helpfulness in ensuring a smooth transition. Let us welcome and thank
Klaus Georg Hansen for his dedication and competence in setting up the
new Greenlandic IASSA website. Our new webmaster will introduce himself
and the website on shortly.

Yvon Csonka
IASSA president
Ilisimatusarfik, The University of Greenland
P.O. Box 279
DK-3900 Nuuk, Greenland
Email: yvcs [at]