The Hydrologic Cycle and its Role in Arctic and Global Environmental Change: A Rationale and Strategy for Synthesis Study (CHAMP)

The Hydrologic Cycle and its Role in Arctic and Global Environmental Change
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6 September 2001

Dear Arctic Colleague,

The Hydrologic Cycle and its Role in Arctic and Global Environmental Change: A Rationale and Strategy for Synthesis Study is now available. The report is available on request through ARCUS: Phone 907/474-1600, Fax 907-474-1604, e-mail subscriptions [at], or you may download an electronic copy as a PDF using the links to the right.

In September 2000, a workshop was convened to identify several notable gaps in our current level of understanding of arctic hydrological systems. Rapidly emerging data sets, technologies, and modeling resources provide an unprecedented opportunity to move forward.The report defines three major research and synthesis challenges and provides recommendations for critical and strategic investments in arctic system science.

Drafts of this document were circulated for broad community review. The editors thank all who contributed to this report for their suggestions and participation in this important arctic research community effort.

This publication may be cited as:

Vörösmarty, C.J., L.D. Hinzman, B.J. Peterson, D.H. Bromwich, L.C. Hamilton, J.Morison, V.E. Romanovsky, M.Sturm, and R.S. Webb. 2001. The Hydrologic Cycle and its Role in Arctic and Global Environmental Change: A Rationale and Strategy for Synthesis Study. Fairbanks, Alaska: Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S., 84 pp.

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